Najveći čovjek u povijesti

Rekonstrukcija Isusova lica iz otiska na Torinskom platnu (izvor)

Ne imađaše sluge, a ipak Ga zvahu Gospodinom.
Ne imađaše diplomu, a zvahu Ga Učiteljem.
Ne imađaše lijekove, ali zvahu Ga Iscjeliteljem.
Ne imađaše vojsku, ali kraljevi Ga se bojahu.
Ne pobjeđivaše u bitkama vojnim, pa ipak osvoji svijet.
Ne življaše u dvoru, ali zvahu Ga Gospodarom.
Ne vođaše državu, a zvahu ga Kraljem.
Ne počini nikakvo zlo, ali Ga razapeše.
Bî zakopan u grob, ali živi i danas.
Kraljevstvo Njegovo ne bješe od ovoga svijeta, ali zri u srcima vjerujućih.
Zboraše o ljubavi i o praštanju, i riječi Njegove promijeniše milijune.
Ne nuđaše opipljivo bogatstvo, a unatoč tomu držimo Ga blagom svojih života.
Ne obećavaše ovozemnu moć, a ipak u imenu Njegovu slabi nalaze jakost.
Iako ne ostavi napisanu riječ, poruka Njegova ispuni bezbrojne stranice.
U Njegovoj nemoći nalazimo snagu.
U Njegovoj muci na križu naš je spas.
Nastavlja nas zvati u pripovijest otkupljenja, ljubavi i života vječnoga.
Ime Mu je Isus Krist.

The Greatest Man in History

Had no servants, yet they called Him Master.
Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.
Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.
He had no army, yet kings feared Him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He did not live in a castle, yet they called Him Lord.
He ruled no nations, yet they called Him King.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
His kingdom is not of this world, yet it lies within the hearts of those who believe.
He spoke of love and forgiveness and His words have transformed the millions.
He offers no material wealth, yet we consider him the treasure of our lifes.
He promises no earthly power, yet in His Name, the powerless have found strength.
Though He left no written words, His message has filled countless pages.
In His weakness, we find our strength.
In His suffering on the cross, our salvation.
He continues to invite us into a story of redemption, love and eternal life.
His name is Jesus Christ.

Lyle Clifford Rollings III.


s engleskoga preveo Petar Marija Radelj